‘... even elves has soft parts that don’t like no boot in ‘em.’ (SC)
You have to stand your ground because it’s your ground. (ISWM)
‘A famous last stand, sir?’ said Jackrum. He spat expertly into the fire in the tumbledown hearth. ‘To hell with them, sir. That’s just a way of dyin’ famous!’ (MR)
‘There is only three things you need to remember, which are, viz: one obey orders two give it to the enemy good and hard three don’t die.’ (MR)
‘Special skills?’
‘Stayin’ alive, corporal, come what may.’ (MR) ‘The first thing a hero must conquer is his fear, and when it comes to fightin’, the Nac Mac Feegle don’t know the meanin’ of the word.’
‘Aye, true enough,’ Rob grunted. ‘We dinnae ken the meanin’ o’ thousands o’ words.’ (W) Your own brain ought to have the decency to be on your side! (W)
‘Just because you’ve got a mind like a, a hammer doesn’t mean you have to treat everyone else like a nail.’ (OYCSM)
Some people took it personally when they were blown to bits. (OYCSM)
With humans we have often found it essential to get our self-defence in as soon as possible. (OYCSM)
... Vimes liked to see a bit of battered armour around the place. It showed that someone had been battering it. (NW)
'We've always been ready to die,' said Caleb the Ripper.
'That's why we've lived such a long time,' said Boy Willie. (LH) ... creatures that ambushed the Horde did so at the end of their lives. (LH)
'... barbarian heroes generally draw the line at blowing up the world.' He sighed. 'They're usually not civilised enough for that ...' (LH)
Knowing how to use other people's vanity was a martial art all in itself... (TOT)
... it must be hard, being the best. You're not allowed to stop. You can only be beaten, and you're too proud ever to lose. Pride! You've turned it into a terrible strength, but it eats away at you. (HFS)
If there's one thing a Feegle likes, it's knowing that wherever you strike you're going to hit an enemy. (HFS)
... the Nac Mac Feegle should only be called fairies to their face if you were looking for a fight. (HFS)
The Nac Mac Feegle are the most dangerous of the fairy races, particularly when drunk. They love drinking, fighting and stealing, and will in fact steal anything that is not nailed down. If it is nailed down, they will steal the nails as well. (HFS)
'We're on the same side here!'
'No. We're just on two different sides that happen to be side by side.' (TT) Everything was a test. Everything was a competition. Life put them in front of you every day. You watched yourself all the time. You had to make choices. You never got told which ones were right. Oh, some of the priests said you got given marks afterwards but what was the point of that? (CJ)
'Well, if it was a choice of wishing a child health, wealth and happiness, or Granny Weatherwax on her side, I know which I'd choose,' said Magrat. (CJ)
'When in doubt strike first. I am a librarian, you know.' (JD)
'Whose side are they on?' Said Brocando.
'Sides? Their own, I suppose, just like everyone else.' (CP) Most armies are in fact run by their sergeants - the officers are there just to give things a bit of tone and prevent warfare becoming a mere lower-class brawl. (CP)
The world has lost Sir Terry, and it's so much the poorer for that. Vale Sir Terry. Categories
March 2023