Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, especially simian ones. They're not all that subtle. (LL)
.... there is noone like Magrat for getting in the way of her own life. (LL)
'What don't die can't live. What don't live can't change. What don't change can't learn.' (LL)
'I ain't against gods and goddesses, in their place. But they've got to be the ones we make ourselves. Then we can take 'em to bits for parts when we don't need 'em any more, see?' (LL)
'People've got enough to cope with just being people.' (LL)
Humans are always slightly lost. It's a basic characteristic. It explains a lot about them. (LL)
'... folksongs have got a lot to answer for ...' (LL)
People remember badly. But societies remember well, the swarm remembers, encoding the information to slip it past the censors of the mind, passing it in from grandmother to grandchild in little bits of nonsense they won't bother to forget. Sometimes the truth keeps itself alive in devious ways despite the best efforts of the official keepers of information. (LL)
Night had fallen in Lancre, and it was an old night. It was not the simple absence of day, patrolled by the moon and the stars, but an extension of something that had existed long before there was any light to define it by absence. (LL)
But Magrat, like this, frightened him more than the elves. It was like being charged by sheep. (LL)
There are some people that would whistle 'Yankee Doodle' in a crowded bar in Atlanta.
Even these people would consider it tactless to mention the word 'billygoat' to a troll. (LL) 'You ain't supposed to understand the jokes, this is a play,' said Jason. (LL)
'Don't try to be paranormal until you know what's normal.' (LL)
When you're a cork in someone else's stream of consciousness, all you can do is spin and bob in the eddies. (LL)
'Are you a hunter?'
I LIKE TO THINK I AM A PICKER-UP OF UNCONSIDERED TRIFLES. (LL) He had in fact been raised to be a Fool, a man whose job it was to caper and tell jokes and have custard poured down his trousers. This had naturally given him a grave and solemn approach to life and a grim determination never to laugh at anything ever again, especially in the presence of custard. (LL)
... meddle first, understand later. You had to meddle a bit before you had anything to try to understand. And the thing was never, ever to go back and hide in the Lavatory of Unreason. You have to try to get your mind around the Universe before you give it a twist. (IT)
... Rincewind had always considered that life was no more than a series of temporary measures strung together. (IT)
There were a large number of ranks in the armies of the Empire and many of them were untranslatable. Three Pink Pig and Five White Fang were, loosely speaking, privates, and not just because they were pale, vulnerable and inclined to curl up and hide when danger threatened. (IT)
The time to start running was around about the 'e' in 'Hey you!' (IT)
'What do you think this is homeopathic warfare? The smaller your side the more likely you are to win?' (IT)
He wasn't certain what unisex was but expected that it was what he normally experienced. (IT)
'Have you lost your senses?'
'Yes,' said the teacher, 'but I may have found some better ones.' (IT) '... I really don't know where teachers go when they're dead, but I've got a horrible suspicion it’ll be full of sports masters.' (IT)
Freedom did, of course, include man's age-old right to starve to death. (IT)
The world has lost Sir Terry, and it's so much the poorer for that. Vale Sir Terry. Categories
March 2023