‘... it’s always useful to be friends with any witch.’ She smiled sweetly and added, ‘I’m feeling friendly at the moment ... but I might not later.’ (SC)
'Are you a friend of his?'
'Well, we've met a couple of times and he didn't kill me,' said Rincewind. 'That probably counts as a a "yes".' (LH) ‘… you’ve got to help your friends, right?’ He turned to Johnny. ‘Now, personally, I think you’re very nearly totally disturbed and suffering from psychosomatica and hearing voices and seeing delusions,’ he said, ‘and probably ought to be locked up in one of those white jackets with the stylish long sleeves. But that doesn’t matter, ‘cos we’re friends.’
‘I’m touched,’ said Johnny. ‘Probably,’ said Wobbler,’ but we don’t care, do we guys?’ (JD) A wizard never had friends, at least not friends who were wizards. It needed a different word. Ah yes, that was it. Enemies. But a very different class of enemies. Gentlemen. (S)
It was amazing how many friends you could make by being bad at things, provided you were bad enough to be funny. (RM)
… where they had gone wrong was in believing, somewhere in their minds, that because two things were different, they must therefore be alike. (ISWM)
'... who does like witches until they need one, Mistress Weatherwax?' (W)
It says something about witches that an old friend and an old enemy could quite often be the same person. (W)
Snibril took each of them by the shoulder. 'Anyway,' he said, 'just because you're sworn enemies doesn't mean you can't be friends, does it?' (CP)
…the real purpose of a coven was to meet friends, even if they were friends simply because they were really the only people you could talk to freely as they had the same problems and would understand what you were moaning about. (W)
…if you were friendly to Granny Weatherwax she tested you to see how friendly you would stay. Everything about Granny Weatherwax was a test. (W)
‘... spies?' I thought we were chums with the Low King!’
'Of course we are,’ said Vetinari. ‘And the more we know about each other, the friendlier we shall remain. We’d hardly bother to spy on our enemies. What would be the point?’ (Th) '... when we talk to you, do you want somone to be on your side?'
‘Yes, please. Everyone,’ said Brick promptly. (Th) There are many reasons for being friends with someone. The fact that he’s pointing a deadly weapon at you is among the top four. (LC)
'Dreg?' said Angua.
‘A warlike desert tribe,’ said Carrot. ‘Very fierce. Honourable, though. They say that if a D’reg is your friend he’s your friend for the rest of your life.’ ‘And if he’s not your friend?’ ‘That’s about five seconds.’ (J) It always amazed Vimes how Nobby got along with practically everyone. It must, he’d decided, have something to do with the common denominator. In the entire world of mathematics there could be no denominator as common as
Nobby. (GG) 'But what do you want to sacrifice us for?’ asked Twoflower. ‘You hardly know us!’
‘That’s rather the point isn’t it? It’s not very good manners to sacrifice a friend.’ (COM) |
The world has lost Sir Terry, and it's so much the poorer for that. Vale Sir Terry. Categories
March 2023