The allegiance of elves is spiderweb thin and the currency of Fairyland is glamour. (SC)
.... like it or not, the witch was the pointy hat, and the pointy hat was the witch. (ISWM)
... that face that could only be called homely.*
* And even then it was the kind of home that had a burned-out vehicle on the lawn. (MR) People see what they think is there. (MR)
So that was poker, was it? Well, she hadn’t been too bad at it, once she’d worked out that it was all about making your face tell lies. For most of the time the cards were just something to do with your hands. (W)
.... Boffo thinking - the rumours and the stories. Miss Treason had power because they thought she did. (W)
You get much better graphics in your dreams. (OYCSM)
'I don't know how to look for something that doesn't look like the thing I'm looking for...' (AM)
She looked like the kind of person who asked questions. And her hair was too red and her nose was too long. And she wore a long black dress with black lace fringing. No good comes of that sort of thing. (AM)
'... you know what people call men who wear wigs and gowns, don't you?'
'Yes, miss.' 'You do?' 'Yes, miss. Lawyers, miss.' (FE) ... no expression is an expression in itself. (Do)
You could read the Nac Mac Feegle like a book. And it would be a big, simple book with pictures of Spot the Dog and a Big Red Ball and one or two sentences on each page. (WFM)
And did the book have any adventures for people who had brown eyes and brown hair? No, no, no ... it was the blond people with blue eyes and the redheads with green eyes which got the stories. If you had brown hair you were probably just a servant or a woodcutter or something. Or a dairymaid. (WFM)
Witches don't like to be seen running. It looks unprofessional. (WFM)
'Don't trust the cannibal just 'cos he's usin' a knife and fork.' (CJ)
'People like to see a bit of bellowing in a king. The odd belch is always popular too. Even a bit of carousing'd help if he could manage it. You know, quaffing and such.' (CJ)
... Nanny Ogg's was an expression of extreme interest that was nevertheless made up of one hundred percent artificial additives. (CJ)
The architecture was what is known professionally as 'vernacular', a word used in another field to mean 'swearing' and this was quite appropriate. (LC)
A wizard without a hat was just a sad man with a suspicious taste in clothes. (LC)
The secret was to wear ribbons in your hair and skip everywhere. It completely fooled people. (N)
'.... if you don't know what you're getting into, naked always works,' said Rincewind. 'It's the all-purpose suit. At home in every culture.' (DW)
No-one could be so simple, no-one could be so creatively dumb, without being very intelligent. It was like being an actor. Only a very good actor was any good at being a bad actor. (J)
Sometimes human beings are very much like bees. Bees are fiercely protective of their hive, provided you are outside it. Once you're in, the workers sort of assume that it must have been cleared by management and take no notice ... (GO)
She was beautiful, but she was beautiful in the way a forest fire was beautiful: something to be admired from a distance, not close up. (GO)
The world has lost Sir Terry, and it's so much the poorer for that. Vale Sir Terry. Categories
March 2023