She stopped. At least, most of Agnes stopped. It took some time for outlying regions to come to rest. (Ma)
The question seldom addressed is where Medusa has snakes. Underarm hair is an even more embarrassing problem when it keeps biting off the top of the deodorant bottle. (SM)
No words could describe what a Feegle in a kilt looks like upside down, so they won't try. (WFM)
'Being noticed is what a witch is all about.' (LL)
It was just that she had preferred him when he’d been a Fool. There’s something about a man who tinkles gently as he moves. (LL)
… Magrat had never been any good at acting. She’d always felt she wasn’t very good at being Magrat, if it came to that. (LL)
Wobbler didn’t know how to fight, but he did know how to weigh. (JB)
It was very hard to tell what Vorbis was thinking, often even after he had told you. (SG)
… it wasn’t the wearing of the hats that counted so much as having one to wear. Every trade, every craft had its hat. That’s why kings had hats. Take the crown off a king and all you had was someone good at having a weak chin and waving to people. Hats had power. Hats were important. (WA)
Magrat bought occult jewellery as a sort of distraction from being Magrat. She had three large boxes of the stuff and was still exactly the same person. (WA)
To the rest of the world he was an enormous tomcat, a parcel of incredible indestructible force in a skin that looked less like a fur than a piece of bread that had been left in a damp place for a fortnight. Strangers often took pity on him because his ears were non-existent and his face looked as though a bear had camped on it. (WA)
I hadn't noticed him before because he was one of these people you wouldn't notice if he was with you in a wardrobe.
He smiled the sort of smile you have to learn and stuck out his hand. Can't remember his face. He had a warm, friendly handshake, the kind where you want to have a wash afterwards. (BOS) She didn't look like a mass murderer, but Linsay recalled that mass murderers never did. (BOS)
He moved very much like a man who’d got his ideas about stealth from watching adventure films. (BOS)
‘What’re you supposed to be?’ he said at last.
‘A leader of a pack of desert bandits, apparently,’ said Victor. ‘Romantic and dashing.’ ‘Dashing where?’ ‘Just dashing generally, I guess.’ (MP) ... what the boy seemed most interested in was mirrors. Probably hero material .... (GG)
Flourishing, of course, was important. It didn't have much to do with wielding. Wielding a sword, the Supreme Grand Master considered, was simply the messy business of dynastic surgery. It was just a matter of cut and thrust. Whereas a King had to flourish one. It had to catch the light in just the right way, leaving watchers in no doubt that here was Destiny's chosen. (GG)
… it was clear that when curves were being handed out, Letitia had been at the end of line. (SC)
It’s not much using being a witch unless you look like one. (WS)
The Troll’s Head was a cesspit of a different colour. Its customers, if they reformed, tidied themselves up and generally improved their image out of all recognition might, just might, aspire to be considered the utter dregs of humanity. And in the Shades, a dreg is a dreg. (S)
Mort had never heard the phrase “Pre-Raphaelite”, which was a pity because it would have been almost the right description. However, such girls tend to be on the translucent, consumptive side, whereas this one had a slight suggestion of too much chocolate. (M)
… it is very hard to look dignified with a napkin tucked into one’s collar. (ER)
The Luggage’s expression could only be described as wooden. (LF)
‘Well, it just reeks ambience.’
‘Oh.’ ‘What’s ambience?’ said Swires, sniffing cautiously and wearing the kind of expression that said that he hadn’t done it, whatever it was. ‘I think it’s a kind of frog,’ said Rincewind. (LF) 'We know all about you, Rincewind the magician. You are a man of great cunning and artifice. You laugh in the face of Death. Your affected air of craven cowardice does not fool me.'
It fooled Rincewind. (COM) |
The world has lost Sir Terry, and it's so much the poorer for that. Vale Sir Terry. Categories
March 2023