Everyone was guilty of something. Vimes knew that. Every copper knew that. That was how you maintained your authority... (NW)
He didn’t look around, and watch and learn, and then say, ‘This is how people are, how do we deal with it?’ No, he sat and thought: ‘This is how the people ought to be, how can we change them?’ And that was a good enough thought for a priest but not for a copper ... (NW)
Knowing how to use other people's vanity was a martial art all in itself... (TOT)
... if they couldn't bend their thinking around the world, they bent the world around their thinking. (HFS)
Ridcully felt there was indeed room at the top, and he was occupying all of it. (LC)
'There are different ways to eat people ...' (N)
... there was no such thing as absolute control, not in a fully functioning universe. There was just a variable amount of lack of control. (DW)
'I've been living my life for a long time. I know how it works.' (LH)
Like most people with no grasp whatsoever of real economics, Mustrum Ridcully equated 'proper financial control' with the counting of paperclips. (H)
The senior wizards gathered round, ready to help those less fortunate than themselves remain that way. (H)
Sometimes human beings are very much like bees. Bees are fiercely protective of their hive, provided you are outside it. Once you're in, the workers sort of assume that it must have been cleared by management and take no notice ... (GO)
'You have got a choice. You can either be on the stage, just a performer, just going through the lines ... or you can be outside it, and know how the script works, where the scenery hangs, and where the trapdoors are.' (Ma)
A psychiatrist, dealing with a man who fears he is being followed by a large and terrible monster, will endeavour to convince him that monsters don't exist. Granny Weatherwax would simply give him a chair to stand on and a very heavy stick. (Ma)
‘I feel like a fish out of water.’
‘Well, the way I see it, it’s up to you to make your own water,’ said Nanny …. (LL) Other people would probably say: I wasn't myself. But Granny Weatherwax didn't have anyone else to be. (LL)
… she was so organized that she had too much organization for one person and it overflowed in every direction. (JB)
‘The man was mad!’
‘He had a very tidy mind,’ said the Bursar. ‘Same thing.’ (MP) It was amazing, this mystic business. You tell them a lie, and then when you don't need it any more you tell them another lie and tell them they're progressing along the road to wisdom. Then instead of laughing they follow you even more, hoping that at the heart of all the lies they'll find the truth. And bit by bit they accept the unacceptable. Amazing. (GG)
He had a cold certainty that while of course no one could possibly blame him for all this, everybody would. (ER)
He felt that the last couple of hours had somehow carried him along without him actually touching the sides, and for a moment he nursed the strangely consoling feeling that his life was totally beyond his control and whatever happened no one could blame him. (ER)
… anybody who knew the Dewey decimal system by heart was a person not to panic until the situation had been most carefully considered. (JD)
'The world is changing and it needs its shepherds and sometimes its butchers.' (RS)
'If you take enough precautions, you never need to take precautions.' (RS)
That was what technology was doing. It was your slave but, in a sense, it might be the other way round. (RS)
… you didn't need to grind the faces of the poor if you taught them to do their own grinding. (ISWM)
The world has lost Sir Terry, and it's so much the poorer for that. Vale Sir Terry. Categories
March 2023