‘I don’t seem to be achieving anything, but I must keep trying otherwise what is free will for?’ (DSS)
... it must be hard, being the best. You're not allowed to stop. You can only be beaten, and you're too proud ever to lose. Pride! You've turned it into a terrible strength, but it eats away at you. (HFS)
The smug mask of virtue triumphant could be almost as horrible as the face of wickedness revealed. (CJ)
'Well, if it was a choice of wishing a child health, wealth and happiness, or Granny Weatherwax on her side, I know which I'd choose,' said Magrat. (CJ)
Ridcully felt there was indeed room at the top, and he was occupying all of it. (LC)
'... we're not going to be intimated by the certain prospect of complete and utter failure ...' (H)
'What do you think this is homeopathic warfare? The smaller your side the more likely you are to win?' (IT)
Fate always wins. Most of the gods throw dice but Fate plays chess, and you don't find out until it's too late that he's been using two queens all along. (IT)
In Granny Weatherwax’s worldview there was no place for second place. You won, or you were a loser. There was nothing wrong with being a loser except for the fact that, of course, you weren’t the winner. Nanny had always pursued the policy of being a good loser. People liked you when you almost won, and bought you drinks, (SLF)
“Truly, the world is the mollusc of your choice …” (P)
Need exerted a necessary pressure on humanity: you had to be hungry to innovate, and you needed to be surrounded by competitors to be driven to achieve. (LW)
'I find it amazing and, of course, annoying but so far he has always succeeded, which is why, therefore, all of his extremities are in their rightful place.' (RS)
‘… when the kings and queens and knights and rooks find it difficult to move, the pawn may win the game.’ (Do)
… if you wanted to be a successful urchin you needed to study how to urch. (Do)
‘Do not seek perfection. None exists. All we can do is strive.’ (Sn)
‘What are we going to do, commander?’
And Vimes blinked and said, ‘Everything!’ (Sn) He was a scallywag, a chancer, a ruthless fighter and a dangerous driver of bargains over the speed limit. Since it was a bit of a mouthful, he was referred to as a successful businessman, since that more or less amounted to the same thing. (Sn)
… what good is a snooker room without smoke twisting among the lights and turning the air a desolate blue, the colour of dead hopes and lost chances? (Sn)
'You've taken the first step.'
'There's a second step?' said Tiffany. 'No; there's another first step. Every step is a first step if it's a step in the right direction.' (ISWM) '… what is a pie to a happy ending?' (UA)
'We are going to stick to the rules. And the thing about sticking to the rules is that it's sometimes better than cheating.' (UA)
'… the more best you're capable of the more you should do.' (UA)
Sometimes if you wanted to go to the ball you had to be your own fairy godmother. (UA)
'… you have to grab life or drop back into the crab bucket.' (UA)
The world has lost Sir Terry, and it's so much the poorer for that. Vale Sir Terry. Categories
March 2023