... the only thing more dangerous than a vampire crazed with blood lust was a vampire crazed with anything else. (TT)
Vampires have risen from the dead, the grave and the crypt, but have never managed it from the cat. (WA)
'It’s one of the lesser-known failings of the vampire. No one knows why. It goes with having big windows and easily torn curtains. A sort of undeath-wish, you might say. However clever they are, they can’t resist thinking that no one will recognize their name if they spell it backwards.' (Th)
Vampires were fine right up until the point where, suddenly, they weren’t. (Th)
The vampire gave her the kind of smile only a vampire can give. It would have been sheepish, if sheep had different teeth. (MR)
'Keep avay from me! And do not breathe like zat!’ Otto wailed.
‘Like what?’ ‘Zer bosoms going in and out and up and down like zat! I am a vampire! A fainting young lady, please understand, zer panting, zer heaving of bosoms ... it calls somezing terrible from within ... ' (TT) ... so now it was dawning on some of the brighter ones that the only way people would accept vampires was if they stopped being vampires. That was a high price to pay for social acceptability, but perhaps not so high as the one that
involved having your head cut off and your ashes scattered on the river. A life of steak tartare wasn’t too bad if you compared it with a death of stake au naturel' (TT) 'Once people find out you’re a vampire they act as if you’re some kind of monster.' (CJ)
'Vampires are very anal-retentive, you see?’
‘I shouldn’t like meeting one that was the opposite,’said Nanny. (CJ) It was hard enough to kill a vampire. You could stake them down and turn them into dust and ten years later someone drops a drop of blood in the wrong place and guess who’s back? They returned more times than raw broccoli. (FC)
There was this about vampires: they could never look scruffy. Instead, they were…what was the word…deshabille.
It meant untidy, but with bags and bags of style. (MR) |
The world has lost Sir Terry, and it's so much the poorer for that. Vale Sir Terry. Categories
March 2023