Any man with sense was wise to be fearful of a wife’s best friends. For who knew what ... little secrets might be shared. (SC)
'I don't know how to look for something that doesn't look like the thing I'm looking for...' (AM)
He knew he had hidden depths. There was nothing in them that he'd like to see float to the surface. (FE)
There is no such thing as a whisper in Ankh-Morpork when the sum involved had the word 'thousand' in it somewhere; people could hear you think kind of money in Ankh Morpork. (SM)
Few things are hidden from a quiet child with good eyesight. (WFM)
It was very hard to tell what Vorbis was thinking, often even after he had told you. (SG)
‘You are smart enough to be extremely good, but not impossibly good. Even a very observant and highly sceptical witness can go away from the show believing he has seen through your tricks, and feeling pleasantly self-satisfied as a result, while understanding nothing of the reality of your abilities.’ (LU)
Keeping secrets made you powerful. Being powerful earned you respect. Respect was hard currency. (SLF)
As a still it was the best-kept secret there could be, since everyone in the kingdom knew exactly where it was, and a secret kept by so many people must be very secret indeed. (SLF)
He moved very much like a man who’d got his ideas about stealth from watching adventure films. (BOS)
Gaspode had a way of turning up silently like a small puff of methane in a crowded room, and with the latter’s distressing ability to fill up all available space. (MA)
The man’s face so assiduously betrayed nothing that it betrayed everything. (Sn)
'The best disguise for a witch is a rather cheap witch's outfit!' (ISWM)
Like many large people, she could move as quietly as the balloon she resembled. (UA)
'You know the secret wisdoms that everyone seeks, monk.’ The bottle-washer paused. ‘No, I even suspect that you know the explicit wisdoms, the ones hidden in plain view, which practically no one looks for.' (TOT)
'It’s one of the lesser-known failings of the vampire. No one knows why. It goes with having big windows and easily torn curtains. A sort of undeath-wish, you might say. However clever they are, they can’t resist thinking that no one will recognize their name if they spell it backwards.' (Th)
Teppic had learned how not to move stealthily. Millions of years of being eaten by creatures that know how to move stealthily has made humanity very good at spotting stealthy movement. (P)
There was absolutely no sign of the Feegles. That was how she could tell they were there. (W)
There was only one place where it was possible for someone in a large family to be private, and that was on the privy. (WFM)
Women are always significantly under-represented in secret orders. (GP)
Like many people, wizards often have secrets they don’t want themselves to know. (TG)
The Assassin moved quietly from roof to roof until he was well away from the excitement around the Watch House.
His movements could be called cat-like, except that he did not stop to spray urine against things. (NW) Swordfish? Every password was swordfish! Whenever anyone tried to think of a word that no one would ever guess, they always chose swordfish. It was just one of those strange quirks of the human mind. (NW)
'It’s funny how secretly you can move when you’re a loony monk dancing through the streets beating a drum.' (NW)
... it was no good looking inconspicuous unless people could see that you were being inconspicuous. (AM)
The world has lost Sir Terry, and it's so much the poorer for that. Vale Sir Terry. Categories
March 2023