There is no such thing as a whisper in Ankh-Morpork when the sum involved had the word 'thousand' in it somewhere; people could hear you think kind of money in Ankh Morpork. (SM)
Life was a remarkably common commodity. Anything sufficiently complicated seemed to get cut in for some, in the same way that anything massive enough got a generous helping of gravity. The universe had a definite tendency towards awareness. This suggested a certain subtle cruelty woven into the very fabric of space-time. (SM)
... Dwarfs have thousands of words for 'gold' but will use any of them in an emergency, such as when they see some gold that doesn't belong to them. (SM)
Ridcully was beginning to show certain signs. If he had been a volcano, natives living nearby would be looking for a handy virgin. (SM)
He was extremely good at listening. He created a kind of mental suction. People told him things just to avoid the silence. (SM)
... Ridcully believed that everything had come into being by chance or, in the particular case of the Dean, out of spite. (SM)
'In my experience,' said Glod, 'what every true artist wants, really wants, is to be paid.' (SM)
... for a dwarf the whole point of having a pile of gold was, well, to have a pile of gold. (SM)
Dwarfs respected learning, provided they didn't have to experience it. (SM)
'You've never been musical, Dean,' said Ridcully. 'It's one of your good points.' (SM)
Unseen University was used to eccentricity among the faculty. After all, humans derive the notions of what it means to be a normal human being by constant reference to the humans around them, and when those humans are other wizards the spiral can only wiggle downwards. (SM)
The Quirm College for Young Ladies encouraged self-reliance and logical thought. Her parents had sent her there for that reason.
They'd assumed that insulating her from the fluffy edges of the world was the safest thing to do. In the circumstances, this was like not telling people about self-defence so that no-one would ever attack them. (SM) The class was learning about some revolt in which some peasants had wanted to stop being peasants and, since the nobles had won, had stopped being peasants really quickly. Had they bothered to learn to read and acquire some history books they'd have learned about the uncertain merits of things like scythes and pitchforks when used in battle against crossbows and broadswords. (SM)
'We haven't even practised together properlly,' said Imp.
'We'll practice as we go along,' said Glod. 'Welcome to the world of professional musicianship.' (SM) Dwarfs were said to be the keenest of financial negotiators, second only in acumen and effrontery to little old ladies. (SM)
It is a strange but reliable fact that whenever men throw off the yoke of tyrants and set out to rule themselves there emerges, like mushrooms after rain, Mr Clete.
Hat. Hat. Hat. Mr Clete laughed at things in inverse proportion to the actual humour of the situation. (SM) The man gave a shrug which indicated that, although the world did indeed have many problems, this was one of them that was not his. (SM)
A drink from the Ankh would quite probably rob a man of his memory, or at least cause things to happen to him that he would in no account wish to recall. (SM)
'What do you do with them?' he said.
'I bang them together.' 'And then what?' 'What do you mean, "And then what?"' 'What do you do after you've banged them together?' 'I bang them together again,' said Lias, one of nature's drummers. (SM) 'But alcohol debilitates the body and is a poison to the soul.'
SOUNDS GOOD TO ME. (SM) He liked black. It went with anything. It went with everything, sooner or later. (SM)
... which went on to infinity, or as near infinity as makes no difference. In fact it was about a mile. That's big for a room, whereas infinity you can hardly see. (SM) The question seldom addressed is where Medusa has snakes. Underarm hair is an even more embarrassing problem when it keeps biting off the top of the deodorant bottle. (SM)
And, if they're said with the right passion and the gods are feeling bored, sometimes the universe will reform itself around words like that. Words have always had the power to change the world. (SM)
The old bards said they got better as they got older, although the old men tend to say this sort of thing regardless of daily experience. (SM)
The world has lost Sir Terry, and it's so much the poorer for that. Vale Sir Terry. Categories
March 2023