‘You know where you are with big-brained monsters, but gods are another matter.’ (DSS)
The question seldom addressed is where Medusa has snakes. Underarm hair is an even more embarrassing problem when it keeps biting off the top of the deodorant bottle. (SM)
'… they ranged in size from unpleasantly large to disgustingly small, had about the same level of culture as yoghurt and spent their time picking their own noses and missing.' (UA)
There is a phrase 'neither flesh nor fowl nor good red herring.' This thing was all of them, plus some other bits of beast unknown to science or nightmare or even kebab. (UA)
'Once people find out you’re a vampire they act as if you’re some kind of monster.' (CJ)
... he didn’t believe in supernatural monsters. He shivered. He hoped they didn’t believe in him. (CP)
'A unicorn is nothing more than a big horse that comes to a point…' (WFM)
... any creature created with the body of a lion, bosom of a woman and wings of an eagle has a serious identity crisis and doesn’t need much to make it angry. (P)
... the trouble with unimaginable horrors was that they were only too easy to imagine. (LF)
... the life of gnomes and goblins is nasty, brutish and short. So are they. (LF)
It is well known that things from undesirable universes are always seeking an entrance into this one. (LF)
'When I was just starting out in the barbarian hero business,’ said Cohen, ‘every bridge had a troll under it. And you couldn’t go through a forest like we’ve just gone through without a dozen goblins trying to chop your head off.’ He sighed. ‘I wonder what happened to ’em all?’
‘You,’ said the horse. ‘Well, yes. But I always thought there’d be some more. I always thought there’d be some more edges.' (TB) There are the people of the day, and the creatures of the night.
And it’s important to remember that the creatures of the night aren’t simply the people of the day staying up late because they think that makes them cool and interesting. It takes a lot more than heavy mascara and a pale complexion to cross the divide. (SM) 'Our Sean read to me in the almanac where there’s all these fearsome wild beasts in foreign parts,’ he whispered. ‘Huge hairy things that leap out on travellers, it said. I’d hate to think what’d happen if they leapt out on mum and Granny.’
Magrat looked up into his big red face. ‘You will see no harm comes to them, won’t you?’ said Jason. ‘Don’t you worry,’ she said, hoping that he needn’t. ‘I’ll do my best.’ Jason nodded. ‘Only it said in the almanac that some of them were nearly extinct anyway,’ he said. (WA) |
The world has lost Sir Terry, and it's so much the poorer for that. Vale Sir Terry. Categories
March 2023