People always tended to assume that she could cope, as if capability went with mass, like gravity. (Ma)
She stopped. At least, most of Agnes stopped. It took some time for outlying regions to come to rest. (Ma)
... which went on to infinity, or as near infinity as makes no difference. In fact it was about a mile. That's big for a room, whereas infinity you can hardly see. (SM) Wobbler didn’t know how to fight, but he did know how to weigh. (JB)
She drew herself up to her full height, which wasn’t really worth the effort. (M)
Nelson had an irrational dislike of 'petabytes'', the recognised term for a particular, and particularly large, wodge of data. Anything that sounded like a kitten's gentle nip just didn't have the moxie to do the job asked of it. 'Godzillabytes', on the other hand, shouted to the world that it was dealing with something very, very big ... and possibly dangerous. (LW)
'... we are not little folk. We are big on the inside.' (RS)
‘ … there is also the possibility of becoming a matron if you reach the specified weight.’ (Sn)
Like many large people, she could move as quietly as the balloon she resembled. (UA)
Dwarfs have a straightforward approach to alcoholic drink: beer, mead, wine, sherry – one large size fits all. (UA)
People who are rather more than six feet tall and nearly as broad across the shoulders often have uneventful journeys. People jump out at them from behind rocks then say things like, ‘Oh. Sorry. I thought you were someone else.' (GG)
'My name’s Casanunda,’ he said. ‘I’m reputed to be the world’s greatest lover. What do you think?’
Nanny Ogg looked him up and down or, at least, down and further down. ‘You’re a dwarf,’ she said. ‘Size isn’t important.' (WA) In order to enhance the occult aspects of herself, Julia had begun to wear far too much handbeaten silver jewellery and
green eyeshadow. She felt she looked haunted and gaunt and romantic, and she would have, if she had lost another thirty pounds. She was convinced that she was anorexic, because every time she looked in the mirror she did indeed see a fat person. (GO) ... Hubert is one of those names you can put a shape to. There may well be tall, slim Hubert, Moist would be the first to agree, but this Hubert was shaped like a proper Hubert, which is to say, stubby and plump. (MM)
Nomes are small. On the whole, small creatures don’t live for a long time. But perhaps they do live fast.
Let me explain. One of the shortest-lived creatures on the planet Earth is the adult common mayfly. It lasts for one day. The longest-living things are bristlecone pine trees, at 4,700 years and still counting. This may seem tough on mayflies. But the important thing is not how long your life is, but how long it seems. (Truck) '... being a short dog in deep snow is not good for the ol’ wossnames ..' (FE)
A woman always has half an onion left over, no matter what the size of the onion, the dish or the woman. (MR)
The Bursar tried to look the young dwarf sternly up and down, although this was a pretty pointless intimidatory tactic to
use on dwarfs since they had very little up to look down from. (TT) They wouldn't be able to get to grips with the fact that the stars, fr'instance, were much further away. Even if you ran all the way, it'd probably take weeks to reach them. (Truck)
... space is not really big, it is simply somewhere to be big in. Planets are big, but planets are meant to be big and there is nothing clever about being the right size. (LF)
Always choose a bigger enemy. It makes him easier to hit. (CP)
‘What’s your name, pictsie?’
‘Awf’ly Wee Billy Bigchin MacFeegle, mistress.’ ‘You’re very small, aren’t you?’ 'Only for my height, mistress.' (HFS) Agnes was, Nanny considered, quite good-looking in an expansive kind of way; she was a fine figure of typical Lancre womanhood. This meant she was approximately two womanhoods from anywhere else. (Ma)
Carmen Miranda could have worn that hat to the funeral of a continent. Mrs Cake travelled underneath it as the basket travels under a balloon. (RM)
Mrs Evadne Cake was a medium, verging on small. (RM)
The world has lost Sir Terry, and it's so much the poorer for that. Vale Sir Terry. Categories
March 2023