And something that distinguishes the Mr Windlings of the universe is the term 'in my humble opinion', which they think adds weight to their statements rather than indicating, in reality, 'these are the mean little views of someone with the social grace of duckweed'. (TT)
... Mrs Arcanum considered foreign parts only marginally less unspeakable than private parts... (TT)
'... as witches we believe in religious tolerance...'
'That's right,' said Nanny Ogg. 'But only for the right religions ....' (CJ) And they acted like savages*.
* Again, when people like Mrs Whitlow use this term they are not, for some inexplicable reason, trying to suggest that the subjects have a rich oral tradition, a complex system of tribal rights and a deep respect for the spirits of their ancestors. They are implying the kind of behaviour more generally associated, oddly enough, with people wearing a full suit of clothes, often with the same insignia. (LC) People live for ages side by side, nodding at one another amicably on their way to work every day, and then some trivial thing would happen and someone would be having a garden fork removed from their ear. (J)
'Just because someone's a member of an ethnic minority doesn't mean they're not a nasty small-minded little jerk ...' (FC)
There are some people that would whistle 'Yankee Doodle' in a crowded bar in Atlanta.
Even these people would consider it tactless to mention the word 'billygoat' to a troll. (LL) C.M.O.T. Dibbler had a number of bad points, but species prejudice was not one of them. He liked anyone who had money, regardless of the colour and shape of the hand that was proffering it. (MA)
So many crimes are solved by a happy accident – by the random stopping of a car, by an overheard remark, by someone of the right nationality happening to be within five miles of the scene of the crime without an alibi … (MA)
'Everybody knows trolls eat people and spit them out. Everybody knows dwarfs cut off your legs. But at the same time everybody knows that what everybody knows is wrong.' (UA)
‘… you are not only very fluent in English, but also fluent in England, which means a lot down here.’ (LE)
'Poison goes where poison's welcome.' (ISWM)
'Oh, back in the olden days up in the Uberwald or somewhere they used to tear people to bits and eat them.'
'That's foreigners for you,' said the woman. (UA) 'It's hard to hate people who are a long way away. You forget how dreadful they are. But you see a neighbour's warts every day'. (UA)
She thought that being foreign was a crime, or at least some sort of illness that you could catch by being out out in the sun too much, or eating olives. (N)
... it is very difficult to be racially prejudiced against creatures seven feet tall who can bite through walls, at least for very long. (WS)
The world has lost Sir Terry, and it's so much the poorer for that. Vale Sir Terry. Categories
March 2023