He was all in favour of the countryside, provided that it was on the other side of a window. (TT)
Experience had taught him never to say things like 'I don't like it, it's too quiet.' There was no such thing as too quiet. (J)
'They think they want good government and justice for all, Vimes, yet what is it they really crave, deep in their hearts? Only that things go on as normal and tomorrow is pretty much like today.' (FC)
… senior wizards tended to look upon actual magic as a bit beneath them. They tended to prefer administration, which was safer and nearly as much fun, and also big dinners. (S)
The path to wisdom does, in fact, begin with a single step.
Where people go wrong is in ignoring all the thousands of other steps that come after it. They make the single step of deciding to become one with the universe, and for some reason forget to take the logical next step of living for seventy years on a mountain and a daily bowl of rice and yak-butter tea that would give it any kind of meaning. While evidence says that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions, they’re probably all on first steps. (H) ... it had always seemed to Rincewind that if you had to go a long way away it’d be nice to stay at home while you did
it ... (SODW) What he wanted was a couple of cool beers, a cold bath and a change of clothing; it probably wouldn’t make him feel better, but it would at least make feeling awful more enjoyable. (S)
- as a scientist I find all these phenomena extremely interesting. It would just be nicer to find them extremely interesting
from somewhere nice and snug, inside. (Dig) People think that professional soldiers think a lot about fighting, but serious professional soldiers think a lot more about food and a warm place to sleep, because these are two things that are generally hard to get, whereas fighting tends to turn up all the time. (SG)
Home was where you had to feel safe. If you didn’t feel safe, it wasn’t home. (Th)
'Well, I think,’said Nobby, ‘that when you have ruled out the impossible, what is left, however improbable, ain’t worth
hanging around on a cold night wonderin’ about when you could be getting on the outside of a big drink.' (Ma) 'Never build a dungeon you wouldn’t be happy to spend the night in yourself,’ said the Patrician, laying out the food on the cloth. ‘The world would be a happier place if more people remembered that.' (GG)
People are content to wait a long time for salvation, but prefer dinner to turn up inside an hour. (NW)
'If you're going to discover somewhere, you might as well wait until there's proper hotels and stuff.' (JD)
The Faculty was lukewarm on the subject of knowledge for knowledge’s sake, but they were boiling hot on the subject of warm bedrooms. (SODW)
A Real cat's aim is to get through life peacefully, with as little interference from human beings as possible. Very much like real humans, in fact. (UC)
Vimes hated and despised the privileges of rank, but they had this to be said for them: at least they meant that you could hate and despise them in comfort. (FE)
If you’re going to be angry and miserable, you might as well be so on a full stomach. (W)
The important thing about adventures, thought Mr Bunnsy, was that they shouldn’t be so long as to make you miss mealtimes. (AM)
Rincewind was the least senior member of the faculty. Indeed, the Archchancellor had made it clear that in seniority terms he ranked somewhat lower than the things that went ‘click’in the woodwork. He got no salary and had complete insecurity of tenure. On the other hand, he got his laundry done free, a place at mealtimes and a bucket of coal a day. He also had his own office, no one ever visited him and he was strictly forbidden from attempting to teach anything to anyone. In academic terms, therefore, he considered himself pretty lucky. (TG)
... the great, open ingenious purpose of UU was to be the weight on the arm of magic, causing it to swing with grave majesty like a pendulum rather than spin with deadly purpose like a morningstar. Instead of hurling fireballs at one
another from fortified towers the wizards learned to snipe at their colleagues over the interpretation of Faculty Council minutes, and long ago were amazed to find that they got just as much vicious fun out of it. They consumed big dinners, and after a really good meal and a fine cigar even the most rabid Dark Lord is inclined to put his feet up and feel amicable towards the world, especially if it offered him another brandy. (LC) |
The world has lost Sir Terry, and it's so much the poorer for that. Vale Sir Terry. Categories
March 2023