Who knew what evil lurked in the hearts of men? A copper, that’s who. (NW)
Everyone was guilty of something. Vimes knew that. Every copper knew that. That was how you maintained your authority... (NW)
He didn’t look around, and watch and learn, and then say, ‘This is how people are, how do we deal with it?’ No, he sat and thought: ‘This is how the people ought to be, how can we change them?’ And that was a good enough thought for a priest but not for a copper ... (NW)
... Vimes liked to see a bit of battered armour around the place. It showed that someone had been battering it. (NW)
'He's a policeman. The truth usually confuses them. They don't often hear it.' (TT)
'Was there a third party?'
'I dunno. I never get invited to dem fings.' (FE) 'I always think one should lie to policemen; it is so very good for the soul and, indeed, good for the policemen.' (Do)
What's the good of Clues that are more mysterious than the mystery? (FC)
The Axiom 'Honest men have nothing to fear from the police' is currently under review by the Axioms Review Board. (MA)
Cuddy had only been a guard for a few days but already he had absorbed one important and basic fact: it is almost impossible for anyone to be in a street without breaking the law. (MA)
'Do you think picking someone up by their ankles and bouncing their head on the floor comes under the heading of Striking a Superior Officer?' (GG)
... You walk along the Streets at Night shouting, It's Twelve O'clock and All's Well. I said, What if it is not all well, and he said, You bloody find another street. (GG)
The Patrician’s personal guard was not known for its responsive approach to community policing, preferring to cut bits off instead. Among the things they took a dim view of was, well, basically, people being in the same universe. (S)
The Watch were always careful not to intervene too soon in any brawl where the odds were not stacked heavily in their favour. The job carried a pension, and attracted a cautious, thoughtful kind of man. (COM)
… policemen always looked rather out of place in the presence of literature. (JD)
Colon and Nobby had lived a long time in a dangerous occupation and the knew how not to be dead. To wit, by arriving when the bad guys had got away. (RS)
He smiled the smile of a policeman, which was only slightly better than the smile of a tiger …. (Do)
‘…sometimes you should follow the arrogance … You should look for those who can’t believe that the law would ever catch them, who believe that they act out of a right that the rest of us do not have. The job of the officer of the law is to let them know that they are wrong!’ (Sn)
‘… if he gets out and away then you would find yourself in a situation so problematical that the word “problem” just would not fit the situation.’ (Sn)
‘… there’s always an easy way, and then again, there’s always the hard way. Currently, this is the easy way, but the hard way is also quite easy, in a manner of speaking.’ (Sn)
'Sometimes what is legal isn't what is right, and sometimes it needs a witch to tell the difference. And sometimes a copper too, if you have the right kind of copper. Clever people know this. Stupid people don't. And the trouble is, stupid people can be oh so clever.' (ISWM)
'And though nobody's saying it, we're locked in here for our protection. You see, everyone else is locked out, and although they sometimes act dumb, policemen can't help being clever. They know that people need witches, they need the unofficial people who understand the difference between right and wrong, and when right is wrong and when wrong is right.' (ISWM)
'No civil police force could hold out against an irate and resolute population. The trick is not to let them realize that.' (UA)
'Coppers are never nosy, Mister Likely. However, sometimes we ask tangential questions'. (UA)
… since tired coppers didn't like having to do something, they did it good and hard, so with any luck they wouldn't have to do it again any time soon. (UA)
The world has lost Sir Terry, and it's so much the poorer for that. Vale Sir Terry. Categories
March 2023