The really odd thing about human sex, though, was the way it went on even when people were fully clothed and sitting on opposite sides of the fire. (FE)
'... you know what people call men who wear wigs and gowns, don't you?'
'Yes, miss.' 'You do?' 'Yes, miss. Lawyers, miss.' (FE) The young woman stood on a corner in the Shades. Her general stance indicated that she was, in the specialised patois of the area, a lady-in-waiting. To be more precise, a lady-in-waiting for Mr Right, or at least Mr Right Amount. (FE)
Nanny Ogg had always considered herself unshockable, but there's no such thing. Shocks can come from unexpected directions. (CJ)
'Nothing like being stared at by a teddybear to put a young man off his stroke,' said Nanny Ogg. (CJ)
What were you supposed to do about girls? You had to keep away from them while you were a boy, but he'd heard that when you were a man you got other instructions. (N)
... to my mind things are only suggestive if you're open to suggestion. (NOC)
Nanny enjoyed music, as well. If music were the food of love, she was game for a sonata and chips at any time. (Ma)
Bonnie Quarney had been gathering nuts in May with William Simple, and it was only because she'd thought ahead and taken a little advice from Nanny that she wouldn't be bearing fruit in February. (Ma)
There were a large number of ranks in the armies of the Empire and many of them were untranslatable. Three Pink Pig and Five White Fang were, loosely speaking, privates, and not just because they were pale, vulnerable and inclined to curl up and hide when danger threatened. (IT)
He wasn't certain what unisex was but expected that it was what he normally experienced. (IT)
… when it came to rampant eroticism, you could do a lot better than a one-eyed tortoise. (SG)
‘… a bit of hussing never did anyone any harm.’ (WA)
Nanny had nothing against witches being married. It wasn’t as if there were rules. She herself had had many husbands, and had even been married to three of them. (SLF)
'Throwing women over your pommel and riding off into the night isn't approved of around here. It's probably an ism,' he added gloomily. (BOS)
She leaned forward and gave him a kiss as insubstantial as a mayfly’s sigh, fading as she did so until only the kiss was left, just like a Cheshire cat only much more erotic. (M)
Magrat took a cake by its little case rather carefully. Some of Nanny Ogg’s recipes could include …. unusual ingredients, and she already had three children. (SC)
… it was clear that when curves were being handed out, Letitia had been at the end of line. (SC)
‘Always thought I’d be the first to go, what with my drinkin’ and suchlike, especially the suchlike. I’ve done a lot o’ that.’ In fact, Nanny Ogg had done a great deal of everything, and was commonly held to be so broadminded that you could pull her mind out through her ears and tie a hat on it. (SC)
He opened his eyes. The girl was wearing a demure white lace dress with fetching puffed sleeves. He opened his mouth. He realised with absolute clarity that up until now the trouble he had been in was simple, modest and nothing he couldn’t talk his way out of given a decent chance or, failing that, a running start. (S
‘You’ve got to face it, all this stuff about golden boughs and the cycles of nature and stuff just boils down to sex and violence, usually at the same time.’ (LF)
… she was too big to be a thief, too honest to be an assassin, too intelligent to be a wife, and too proud to enter the only other female profession generally available. (LF)
'How does Perdita work, then?’ she said.
‘Look, you know the part of you that wants to do all the things you don’t dare do, and thinks the thoughts you don’t dare think?’ Nanny’s face stayed blank. ‘Like ... maybe ... rip off all your clothes and run naked in the rain?’ she hazarded. ‘Oh, yes. Right,’ said Nanny. ‘Well ... I suppose Perdita is that part of me.’ ‘Really? I’ve always been that part of me,’ said Nanny. ‘The important thing is to remember where you left your clothes.' (CJ) Dogs had a much easier sex life than humans, Gaspode decided. That was something to look forward to, if he ever managed to have one. (FE)
'You could learn all you need to know about human males from one miserable specimen.' (LW)
The world has lost Sir Terry, and it's so much the poorer for that. Vale Sir Terry. Categories
March 2023