‘... it’s always useful to be friends with any witch.’ She smiled sweetly and added, ‘I’m feeling friendly at the moment ... but I might not later.’ (SC)
‘I’m on the sharp end of witchcraft, which means doing what should be done as best you can. It’s all about the people, Mrs. Earwig, not about the books.’ (SC)
‘Don’t meddle in the affairs of witches because they clout you around the ear.’ (ISWM)
... witches grew old inside. (ISWM)
A witch needed to make people believe she knew what to do next, even if she didn’t. (ISWM)
.... like it or not, the witch was the pointy hat, and the pointy hat was the witch. (ISWM)
There were really only four types of people in the world: men and women and wizards and witches. (ISWM)
When you were a witch you were all witches... (ISWM)
Witches are very keen on pickles, as a rule but the food they like best is free food. Yes, that’s the diet for your working witch: lots of food that someone else is paying for, and so much of it that there is enough to shove in your pockets for later. (W)
... witches sit where they like ... (NOC)
Witches are very lucky people to know, especially happy witches. (NOC)
'If you don't know when to be a human being, you don't know when to be a witch.' (HFS)
... she was a witch and a teacher and that's a terrible combination. They want things to be right. They like things to be correct. (HFS)
'There's ways and ways of not askin', if you get my meaning. People like to see a happy witch.' (WFM)
'First sight is when you can see what's really there, not what you heid tells you ought to be there. Ye saw Jenny, Ye saw the horseman, Ye saw them as real thingies second sight is dull sight, it's seeing only what you expect to see.' (WFM)
You couldn't tell someone with half his face dyed dark blue and a sword as big as he was that you weren't really a witch. You couldn't disappoint someone like that. (WFM)
... a witch always listens to other people's conversations. (WFM)
Witches don't like to be seen running. It looks unprofessional. (WFM)
Witches took the view that they helped society in all kinds of ways which couldn't easily be explained but would become obvious if they stopped doing them, and that it was worth six pence and one half-penny not to find out what these were. (TG)
'Being noticed is what a witch is all about.' (LL)
You’re average witch is not, by nature, a social animal as far as other witches are concerned. There’s a conflict of dominant personalities. There’s a group of ringleaders without a ring. There’s the basic unwritten rule of witchcraft, which is ‘Don’t do what you will, do what I say’. The natural size of a coven is one. (WA)
... a group of witches wasn't a coven, it was a small war .... (SLF)
“We’re witches, Tiffany. We has the power for a reason. We just ‘as to make sure as it’s the right reason …” (SC)
… if a witch started thinking of anyone as “just” anything that would be the first step on a well-worn path that could lead to, oh, to poisoned apples, spinning wheels and a too-small stove …. (SC)
A witch is always on the edge, between the light and the dark, good and bad, making choices every day, judging all the time. It was what made her human. (SC)
The world has lost Sir Terry, and it's so much the poorer for that. Vale Sir Terry. Categories
March 2023