It was a brave man indeed who could look upon a clan of Feegles and not want to tie the bottoms of his trousers together. (SC)
‘Once a man gets a Feegle up his troosers, his time of trial and tribulation is only just beginning.’ (ISWM)
.... the Nac Mac Feegle always smelled something like slightly drunk potatoes. (ISWM)
If you do not yet know who the Nac Mac Feegle are: 1) be grateful for your uneventful life; and 2) be prepared to beat a retreat if you hear anyone about as high as your ankles shout ‘Crivens!’ They are, strictly speaking, one of the faerie folk, but it is probably not a good idea to tell them this if you are looking forward to a future in which you still have your teeth. (ISWM)
No one who met the Nac Mac Feegles ever forgot them, even if they tried hard. (W)
‘The first thing a hero must conquer is his fear, and when it comes to fightin’, the Nac Mac Feegle don’t know the meanin’ of the word.’
‘Aye, true enough,’ Rob grunted. ‘We dinnae ken the meanin’ o’ thousands o’ words.’ (W) If you put a lot of Feegles in a desert, within twenty minutes they’d find a bottle of something dreadful to drink. (W)
If there's one thing a Feegle likes, it's knowing that wherever you strike you're going to hit an enemy. (HFS)
... if there's one thing a Feegle likes more than a party, it's a bigger party, and if there's anything better than a bigger party, it's a bigger party with someone else paying for the drink. (HFS)
... the Nac Mac Feegle should only be called fairies to their face if you were looking for a fight. (HFS)
The Nac Mac Feegle are the most dangerous of the fairy races, particularly when drunk. They love drinking, fighting and stealing, and will in fact steal anything that is not nailed down. If it is nailed down, they will steal the nails as well. (HFS)
'There's nothing we cannae get in or oot of.'
'Except maybe pubs,' said Big Yan. 'Oh, aye,' said Rob Anybody cheerfully. 'Gettin' oot o' pubs sometimes causes us a cerrrtain amount o' difficulty, I'll grant ye that.' (WFM) You could read the Nac Mac Feegle like a book. And it would be a big, simple book with pictures of Spot the Dog and a Big Red Ball and one or two sentences on each page. (WFM)
The Nac Mac Feegle would fight and steal, certainly, but who wanted to fight the weak and steal from the poor? (WFM)
You couldn't tell someone with half his face dyed dark blue and a sword as big as he was that you weren't really a witch. You couldn't disappoint someone like that. (WFM)
The period of time it takes a pictsie to go from normal to mad fighting mood is so tiny it can't be measured on the smallest clock. (WFM)
No words could describe what a Feegle in a kilt looks like upside down, so they won't try. (WFM)
“Where there’s a war there’s a Nac Mac Feegle.” (SC)
“We aren’t the kind of people who kill those who are unarmed.”
Rob Anybody put up his hand. “Excuse me, mistress, but some of us do, or are.” (SC) … generally speaking the Feegles got you out of trouble by getting you into a different kind of trouble. (ISWM)
'The Nac Mac Feegle feel the truth is so precious that it shouldn't be waved about too much …' (ISWM)
'Have you boys got no shame?'
Rob Anybody matched him grin for grin. 'I couldnae say,' he replied, but if we have, it probably belonged tae somebody else.' (ISWM) '… we did invent the deep-fried stoat. That must count for something.'
'How is that a good point?' said Arthur. 'Weel, it saves some other poor devil having tae do it. It's what ye might call a taste explosion; ye take a mouthful, taste it, and then there is an explosion.' (ISWM) '… there are times when promises should be kept and times when promises should be broken, and it takes a Feegle to know the difference.' (ISWM)
The Nac Mac Feegle were indeed ferocious and fearsome fighters, with the minor drawback – from their point of view – that seconds into any fight, sheer enjoyment took over, and they tended to attack one another, nearby trees and, if no other target presented itself, themselves. (ISWM)
The world has lost Sir Terry, and it's so much the poorer for that. Vale Sir Terry. Categories
March 2023