Cats gravitate to kitchens like rocks gravitate to gravity. (WA)
The invisible people knew that happiness is not the natural state of mankind, and is never achieved from the outside in. (WA)
The wages of sin are death but so is the salary of virtue, and at least the evil get to go home early on Fridays. (WA)
‘… a bit of hussing never did anyone any harm.’ (WA)
For wolves and pigs and bears, thinking that they’re human is a tragedy. For a cat, it’s an experience. (WA)
… it wasn’t the wearing of the hats that counted so much as having one to wear. Every trade, every craft had its hat. That’s why kings had hats. Take the crown off a king and all you had was someone good at having a weak chin and waving to people. Hats had power. Hats were important. (WA)
Magrat bought occult jewellery as a sort of distraction from being Magrat. She had three large boxes of the stuff and was still exactly the same person. (WA)
‘Sounds like “Ding-dong, dingdong”.’
‘That’s a dwarf song all right,’ said Nanny. ‘They’re the only people who can make a hiho last all day.’ (WA) … she was definitely feeling several twinkles short of a glitter and suffering a slight homesick-tinged dip in her usual sunny nature. People didn’t hit you over the head with farmhouses back home. (WA)
Magrat liked to think she was good with children, and worried that she wasn’t. She didn’t like them very much, and worried about this too. Nanny Ogg seemed to be effortlessly good with children by alternately and randomly giving them either a sweet or a thick ear, while Granny Weatherwax ignored them from most of the time and that seemed to work just as well. Whereas Magrat cared. It didn’t seem fair. (WA)
Not for the first time in the history of the universe, someone for whom communication normally came as effortlessly as a dream was struck for inspiration when faced with a few lines on the back of a card. (WA)
Vampires have risen from the dead, the grave and the crypt, but have never managed it from the cat. (WA)
‘It’s far too early in the morning for it be early in the morning,’ she said. (WA)
… people are riddled with Doubt. It is the engine that drives them through their lives. It is the elastic band in the little model aeroplane of their soul, and they spend their time winding it up into knots. Early morning is the worst time – there’s that little moment of panic in case You have drifted away in the night and something else has moved in. This never happened to Granny Weatherwax. She went straight from fast asleep to instant operation on all six cylinders. She never needed to find herself because she always knew who was doing the looking. (WA)
Greebo turned upon Granny Weatherwax a yellow-eyed stare of self-satisfied malevolence, such as cats always reserve for people who don’t like them, and purred. Greebo was possibly the only cat who could snigger in purr. (WA)
To the rest of the world he was an enormous tomcat, a parcel of incredible indestructible force in a skin that looked less like a fur than a piece of bread that had been left in a damp place for a fortnight. Strangers often took pity on him because his ears were non-existent and his face looked as though a bear had camped on it. (WA)
Magrat would be the first to admit that she had an open mind. I was as open as a field, as open as the sky. No mind could be more open without special surgical implements. And she was always waiting for something to fill it up. (WA)
You’re average witch is not, by nature, a social animal as far as other witches are concerned. There’s a conflict of dominant personalities. There’s a group of ringleaders without a ring. There’s the basic unwritten rule of witchcraft, which is ‘Don’t do what you will, do what I say’. The natural size of a coven is one. (WA)
Fairy godmothers develop a very deep understanding about human nature, which makes the good ones kind and the bad ones powerful. (WA)
Forever didn’t seem to last as long these days as once it did. (WA)
The world has lost Sir Terry, and it's so much the poorer for that. Vale Sir Terry. Categories
March 2023