Sho,Now begginsh my other commmmitmunt – 11 munths preparing for febfarts. I just hope my liVer is up 2 it.
What have I dischcovered? Lentils suck … well, aktually its probubbly more accurate to say they blow, and blow, and blow. I suspect I might have made a significant contribushion to the hole in the ozone that week.Do u think the KFC people shud have got a second opionion about their new advertising punchline – “Stop and smell the chicken?”
Can I ashk you a question about being Aushtralian? The other day the prime minister acccussed the ABC of being unaushtralian becaushe, as far as I could tell, they pointed out sum problems and questioned figures of authority? Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but ishn’t that what being Aushtralian is all about? We don’t go along with things jusht because we’re told to, and if we think bulldusht is involved we definitely give people a piece of our mindsh – don’t we? So, why ish that now unaushtralian? And wash it unaustralian when he was the opposition leader because I’m pretty sure he did his fair share of critishy…crishti….crititis….whinging.
We have a gecko living in our house. I want to call him Gordon, but he’s seems too nische. Shumtimes he turnsh up unexshpectedly and can give you quite a shurprise, through probably not nearly as nashty a shurprise as an unexpected tiger.
Imagine if any bushiness wash inshane enough to pay their CEO closh to $4 million a year and for their senior excutives to get an 82% shalary increash in 3 years, and then for those people to deliver a $252 million losh!!! Its jusht not poshible …. Unlesh, perhaphs you ran a national carrier. But don’t worry, the solushun is at hand – sack a few thousand workers and probably get a tidy little multi-millionaire dollar handshake for your trublsh. He’s got the full support of the board, so he should be gone inshide a week. And they say local government shud be run more like a business!!
I notcished another league player has got caught fighting in a bar, before the sheason has even shtarted. Now who would have exshpected that?
If the head of a committee is called a chair why ishn’t the queen called a throne?
And do you ever wonder if christopher pine really ish the best material to build our education shystum out of?
My purple jaguar tellsh me I’m rambling but he’s sho wrong – I haven’t been out for a walk in agesh.Anyway, enough is enough. Thank you for all you wonderful support and for your tolerance. The funds that have been raised really do go to some great, great causes and they can only do the good they do through your generosity. If you were planning to donate money but just haven’t got around to it the really exciting news is that you still can!!! Just go to: you can still make a huge difference. I’m pretty sure it will win you brownie points in whatever afterlife there is and if that’s not your bag, well, it will keep moral blackmail at bay.
What have I dischcovered? Lentils suck … well, aktually its probubbly more accurate to say they blow, and blow, and blow. I suspect I might have made a significant contribushion to the hole in the ozone that week.Do u think the KFC people shud have got a second opionion about their new advertising punchline – “Stop and smell the chicken?”
Can I ashk you a question about being Aushtralian? The other day the prime minister acccussed the ABC of being unaushtralian becaushe, as far as I could tell, they pointed out sum problems and questioned figures of authority? Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but ishn’t that what being Aushtralian is all about? We don’t go along with things jusht because we’re told to, and if we think bulldusht is involved we definitely give people a piece of our mindsh – don’t we? So, why ish that now unaushtralian? And wash it unaustralian when he was the opposition leader because I’m pretty sure he did his fair share of critishy…crishti….crititis….whinging.
We have a gecko living in our house. I want to call him Gordon, but he’s seems too nische. Shumtimes he turnsh up unexshpectedly and can give you quite a shurprise, through probably not nearly as nashty a shurprise as an unexpected tiger.
Imagine if any bushiness wash inshane enough to pay their CEO closh to $4 million a year and for their senior excutives to get an 82% shalary increash in 3 years, and then for those people to deliver a $252 million losh!!! Its jusht not poshible …. Unlesh, perhaphs you ran a national carrier. But don’t worry, the solushun is at hand – sack a few thousand workers and probably get a tidy little multi-millionaire dollar handshake for your trublsh. He’s got the full support of the board, so he should be gone inshide a week. And they say local government shud be run more like a business!!
I notcished another league player has got caught fighting in a bar, before the sheason has even shtarted. Now who would have exshpected that?
If the head of a committee is called a chair why ishn’t the queen called a throne?
And do you ever wonder if christopher pine really ish the best material to build our education shystum out of?
My purple jaguar tellsh me I’m rambling but he’s sho wrong – I haven’t been out for a walk in agesh.Anyway, enough is enough. Thank you for all you wonderful support and for your tolerance. The funds that have been raised really do go to some great, great causes and they can only do the good they do through your generosity. If you were planning to donate money but just haven’t got around to it the really exciting news is that you still can!!! Just go to: you can still make a huge difference. I’m pretty sure it will win you brownie points in whatever afterlife there is and if that’s not your bag, well, it will keep moral blackmail at bay.