Witches took the view that they helped society in all kinds of ways which couldn't easily be explained but would become obvious if they stopped doing them, and that it was worth six pence and one half-penny not to find out what these were. (TG)
It wasn't that the prospect of the end of the world was concentrating minds unduly, because that is a general and universal danger that people find hard to imagine. But the Patrician was being rather sharp with people, and that is a specific and highly personal danger and people had no problem relating to it at all. (LH)
The Librarian was informally banned from the High Energy Magic building, owing to his inherent tendency to check on what things were by tasting them. This worked very well in the Library, where taste had become a precision reference system, but was less useful in a room occasionally contains bus bars throbbing with several thousand thaums. The ban was informal, of course, because anyone capable of pulling the doorknob right through an oak door can obviously go where he likes. (SD)
Experience had taught him never to say things like 'I don't like it, it's too quiet.' There was no such thing as too quiet. (J)
The senior wizards gathered round, ready to help those less fortunate than themselves remain that way. (H)
'It's hard enough bein' people as it is, without other people coming and messin' you around.' (GO)
Notoriety wasn't as good as fame, but was heaps better than obscurity. (GO)
There are only two ways a child can go with a name like Pippin Galadriel Moonchild, and Pippin had chosen the other way ... (GO)
She was beautiful, but she was beautiful in the way a forest fire was beautiful: something to be admired from a distance, not close up. (GO)
Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, especially simian ones. They're not all that subtle. (LL)
.... there is noone like Magrat for getting in the way of her own life. (LL)
'People've got enough to cope with just being people.' (LL)
There are some people that would whistle 'Yankee Doodle' in a crowded bar in Atlanta.
Even these people would consider it tactless to mention the word 'billygoat' to a troll. (LL) 'I always live in interestin' times,' said Cohen, in the satisfied voice of someone who did a lot to keep them interesting. (IT)
... he suffered from pre-emptive karma. If it even looked as though something nice was going to happen to him in the near future something bad would happen right now. And it went on happening to him right through the part where toe good stuff should be happening, so that he never actually experienced it. (IT)
'I hate it when people are nice to me. It means something bad is going to happen.' (IT)
The man gave a shrug which indicated that, although the world did indeed have many problems, this was one of them that was not his. (SM)
This is what thinking does for you, he thought. It gets you into trouble. Even when you know other people can think for themselves, you start thinking for them too. (AM)
You didn't need daft old herbs to make your life a problem, if you spent one week every month with two extra legs and four extra nipples. (MA)
‘Don’t stick your nose in where someone can pull it off and eat it.’ (MA)
The problem with Destiny, of course, is that she is often not careful where she puts her finger. (MA)
Bigmac and Wobbler weren’t in trouble, if only because there had been so much trouble just recently that there was, for a while, no more to get into. (JB)
Life can get very complicated for men in overalls who have problems with men in suits. (BOS)
She walked quickly through the darkness with the frank stride of someone who was at least certain that the forest, on this damp and windy night, contained strange and terrible things and she was it. (WS)
‘… there’s four of us, after all.’
‘That just means something bad can happen four times …’ (JD) |
The world has lost Sir Terry, and it's so much the poorer for that. Vale Sir Terry. Categories
March 2023