'I'm good at putting rumours, suspicions and instinct together and getting the right result, because I'm a scoundrel.' (RS)
No one like a child who pays attention too hard, whose eyes follow your every move, and who listens very carefully to everything you say. It’s like talking to a great big bottomless ear. (BOS)
… the nuns were all possessed of laser eyesight and over-the-horizon hearing … (LE)
… he’d thought a wild surmise was some kind of exotic bird. Well, he was now looking out over new worlds with somewhat of a tame surmise. (LE)
… nuns somehow knew what you were up to wherever you were …. (LE)
The man’s face so assiduously betrayed nothing that it betrayed everything. (Sn)
When you aren’t expecting it, that’s when you should expect it! (Sn)
Sometimes you had to take a look at yourself and then look away. (Sn)
'A spill word is a word that somebody almost says, but doesn't.' (ISWM)
You didn't get anywhere at Unseen University without being able to understand the vast number of meanings that can be carried by the word ook. (UA)
No one should call anyone delightful without written proof. (N)
Witches were very good at listening to what you weren’t saying. (W)
Bits of Miss Tick’s teachings floated through her head: Always face what you fear. Have enough money, never too much, and some string. Even if it’s not your fault it’s your responsibility. Witches deal with things. Never stand between two mirrors. Never cackle. Do what you must do. Never lie, but you don’t always have to be honest. Never wish. Especially don’t wish upon a star, which is astronomically stupid. Open you eyes, and then open your eyes again. (HFS)
'You know the secret wisdoms that everyone seeks, monk.’ The bottle-washer paused. ‘No, I even suspect that you know the explicit wisdoms, the ones hidden in plain view, which practically no one looks for.' (TOT)
'Foolish child. All you could tell was that he thought he was telling the truth. The world isn’t always as people see it.' (ER)
'Oh, well, if you prefer, I can recognize handwriting,’ said the imp proudly. ‘I’m quite advanced.’
Vimes pulled out his notebook and held it up. ‘Like this?’ he said. The imp squinted for a moment. ‘Yep,’ it said. ‘That’s handwriting, sure enough. Curly bits, spiky bits, all joined together. Yep. Handwriting. I’d recognize it anywhere.' (FC) ... some girl who can’t tell the difference between a wolf and her grandmother must either be as dense as teak or come from an extremely ugly family. (WFM)
It is no sound on the moon, but this doesn’t matter because there is no one to hear anything. Sound would just be a
waste. (Wings) 'Something comes,’she said.
‘Can you tell by the pricking of your thumbs?’ said Magrat earnestly. Magrat had learned a lot about witchcraft from books. ‘The pricking of my ears,’ said Granny. (WS) 'A copper doesn’t keep flapping his lip. He doesn’t let on what he knows. He doesn’t say what he’s thinking. No. He watches and listens and he learns and he bides his time. His mind works like mad but his face is a blank. Until he’s ready.' (NW)
- as a scientist I find all these phenomena extremely interesting. It would just be nicer to find them extremely interesting
from somewhere nice and snug, inside. (Dig) What you look at, you change. (CP)
... Nanny was the kind of inconvenient person who notices everything. (W)
... you can shut your eyes but you can’t shut your mind. (W)
'They think I can see into their hearts, but no witch can do that. Not without surgery, at least.' (W)
The world has lost Sir Terry, and it's so much the poorer for that. Vale Sir Terry. Categories
March 2023