What were people thinking of when they decided leap years were a good idea? I know - let’s stick an extra day on February every 4 years so that everything works just fine and dandy. What a load of horse biscuits! And think about the poor sods that get born on 29 Feb – one birthday every four years – now if that’s not suck-central I don’t know what is.
Couldn’t we all have just agreed to a universal don’t-get-out-of-bed day, or just pretend it had happened or something? But no – we decide create this ludicrous idea – the one month when some sad souls are denying themselves alcohol!!!!!!
And what a dead loss 29 is anyway. No other number wants to divide into so it’s pretty pathetic on the numerical front. And it’s hardly something to aspire too. Woo hoo – I came 29th …. sad. Hey, did you heard Trevor’s turning the big two nine – gotta celebrate that one … as if!! If I’ve told you once I’ve told you 29 times….save your breath grandma!
So here I am in a freakin’ leap year, giving up alcohol for 29 days. I must confess last year’s cunning idea to tackle the month proved to have some rather profound flaws. It turns out that trying to get so intoxicated on the 31 January that you can cruise through the month has some rather predictable downsides. And it turns out that, in the face of assurances given to me by drunken colleagues, alcohol does not make you funnier or increase your sex appeal.
I need to find something a little safer than the very thing I’m abstaining from. This will take some serious thought - and neither of those word falls into my stronger suits. Hmmm.
In the meantime perhaps you’d like to sponsor my self-inflicted abstinence. Remember, the less you like the more reason to support this. Think of it as money well spent. And, of course, you’ll also be supporting some pretty awesome organisations tackle alcohol-abuse. You can find out more just by visiting:
If you do feel like donating please and supporting overall goodness in the world then you could head straight to:
Yours in Abstinence
Chris Jones
Couldn’t we all have just agreed to a universal don’t-get-out-of-bed day, or just pretend it had happened or something? But no – we decide create this ludicrous idea – the one month when some sad souls are denying themselves alcohol!!!!!!
And what a dead loss 29 is anyway. No other number wants to divide into so it’s pretty pathetic on the numerical front. And it’s hardly something to aspire too. Woo hoo – I came 29th …. sad. Hey, did you heard Trevor’s turning the big two nine – gotta celebrate that one … as if!! If I’ve told you once I’ve told you 29 times….save your breath grandma!
So here I am in a freakin’ leap year, giving up alcohol for 29 days. I must confess last year’s cunning idea to tackle the month proved to have some rather profound flaws. It turns out that trying to get so intoxicated on the 31 January that you can cruise through the month has some rather predictable downsides. And it turns out that, in the face of assurances given to me by drunken colleagues, alcohol does not make you funnier or increase your sex appeal.
I need to find something a little safer than the very thing I’m abstaining from. This will take some serious thought - and neither of those word falls into my stronger suits. Hmmm.
In the meantime perhaps you’d like to sponsor my self-inflicted abstinence. Remember, the less you like the more reason to support this. Think of it as money well spent. And, of course, you’ll also be supporting some pretty awesome organisations tackle alcohol-abuse. You can find out more just by visiting:
If you do feel like donating please and supporting overall goodness in the world then you could head straight to:
Yours in Abstinence
Chris Jones