Quotes from Igor
The only sensible way to hold a conversation with Igor was when you had an umbrella. (CJ)
People in drought-stricken areas would have paid good money to have Igor pronounce ‘sausages’. (FE)
... young Master Jeremy was beginning to worry him. He never laughed, and Igor liked a good maniacal laugh. You could trust it. (TOT)
And then there was Lady LeJean. She gave Igor the willies, and he was a man not usually subject to even the smallest willy.. (TOT)
'I'm an Igor, thur. We don’t athk quethtionths.’
‘Really? Why not?’
‘I don’t know, thur. I didn’t athk.' (MM)
People in drought-stricken areas would have paid good money to have Igor pronounce ‘sausages’. (FE)
... young Master Jeremy was beginning to worry him. He never laughed, and Igor liked a good maniacal laugh. You could trust it. (TOT)
And then there was Lady LeJean. She gave Igor the willies, and he was a man not usually subject to even the smallest willy.. (TOT)
'I'm an Igor, thur. We don’t athk quethtionths.’
‘Really? Why not?’
‘I don’t know, thur. I didn’t athk.' (MM)