Dragons at Crumbling Castle and Witch's Vacuum Cleaner Quotes
... I taught myself how to write by reading as many books as I could carry home from the library. (DCC)
No self-respecting wizard would be seen in public without a pointy hat. But it could make going through low doorways a bit tricky, so they often developed bad knees in later life due to all the crouching down. (DCC)
‘Morning,’ it said.
Now this placed our heroes in a bit of a quandary, as you can see. You can’t go off and kill something that’s just said good morning to you. (DCC)
It’s a rule of the known universe that every kitchen in the world anywhere has a box of glace cherries hiding somewhere in it. No one knows why. (DCC)
Being inventive was all very well, but not when it stuck thorns into you. (DCC)
‘I declare the Stone Age at an end. History will start from tomorrow!’
And so it has been ever since. (DCC)
‘If this doesn’t win, I’ll eat my hat,’ said Sir Henry, who was wearing a straw hat just in case. (DCC)
Give somebody a gold medallion and a big floppy hat and suddenly every speech becomes twice as long. It happens to headteachers too, I believe. (DCC)
In the Dark Ages – oh, as long ago as the 1970s – shops in Britain used to shut half a day a week. And all day Sunday too. (DCC)
They didn’t live completely happily ever after – there was the time Edwo walked mud all over the palace carpets, and the time the roof leaked – but they were at least as happy as they wanted to be.
And why not, after all? (DCC)
'That's illegal,' said Sergeant Bunyan sternly. 'In other words, don't let me catch you doing it.' (WVC)
No self-respecting wizard would be seen in public without a pointy hat. But it could make going through low doorways a bit tricky, so they often developed bad knees in later life due to all the crouching down. (DCC)
‘Morning,’ it said.
Now this placed our heroes in a bit of a quandary, as you can see. You can’t go off and kill something that’s just said good morning to you. (DCC)
It’s a rule of the known universe that every kitchen in the world anywhere has a box of glace cherries hiding somewhere in it. No one knows why. (DCC)
Being inventive was all very well, but not when it stuck thorns into you. (DCC)
‘I declare the Stone Age at an end. History will start from tomorrow!’
And so it has been ever since. (DCC)
‘If this doesn’t win, I’ll eat my hat,’ said Sir Henry, who was wearing a straw hat just in case. (DCC)
Give somebody a gold medallion and a big floppy hat and suddenly every speech becomes twice as long. It happens to headteachers too, I believe. (DCC)
In the Dark Ages – oh, as long ago as the 1970s – shops in Britain used to shut half a day a week. And all day Sunday too. (DCC)
They didn’t live completely happily ever after – there was the time Edwo walked mud all over the palace carpets, and the time the roof leaked – but they were at least as happy as they wanted to be.
And why not, after all? (DCC)
'That's illegal,' said Sergeant Bunyan sternly. 'In other words, don't let me catch you doing it.' (WVC)